Monday, May 28, 2012

apart for awhile :'(

see you soon. just wait for a moment . we'll meet again guys . I'LL BE BACK ! 
so , get ready with our " FUGITIVE PLAN XYZ " for next week.
tau tauu my kaa's family ? hee ~

err . my mum say this year end holiday we'll meet that guy up there . hahhaa . SARCASTIC ? erggh . 
if i could go there , i want to meet LJH and DJH . awwww <3
amin ! okay . thats all for now . thank you .byee
have a GREAT HOLIDAY !! 

Saturday, May 26, 2012


assalammualaikum to the world ! 
(errr.. is my blog worldwide ? ehhee, maybe . pffft .)

it's been such a long long time ago , more than you more than you know 
- okay tetibe nak nyanyi lagu chris daughtry pulakk . hurrh . 
( he's the first english artist that made me listen to english song . kalau tak takkan pernah kenallaa sterling knight , david archuletta andddd... i won't be a directioner . uhhh =___=")

so , the conclusion is *tetiba dah penutup* dah lama kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn wa tak update blog wa yang makin comeyy lotteeyyy ni . yah ! admit it . dahlah putih , suci , comell . so , orang kata tulisan melambangkan tuannya , apakan lagi blog .. lagi melambangkan tuannya. kann ? *wekkwelkk 
but it's all over when people didn't judge a book by it's cover T___T kay FINE ! live a happy life then !

tettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt .
adakah saya senyum or tunjuk gigi ?
#factaboutme : if i smile in front of a camera for over than 3 seconds , it will be unsincere . 
then mulalah buat muka pelik depan camera segalaaaaaaaaaaa . 
cuba flashback balik gambar kite kat camera korang . ada gambar senyum tak ? kalau ada mesti tak comell ann macam yang sebeeeeeeeeeeee ____ nya ! whatever !

okaybye . err sesaja kan wa tambah dosa "merepek" wa ni . entah apa-apa je . actually ni muqaddimah je yang menunjukkann wa akan mengupdate dengan rajinnya selama 2 BULAN cuti ini . hehheh ~